It’s The Patriarchy, Stupid

The BBC reported yesterday on a study conducted for the NSPCC by King’s College, London, the Institute of Education, and the London School of Economics. Below are highlights from the article:

Teenage girls are coming under increasing pressure to text and email sexually explicit pictures of themselves, a report suggests.

The report, commissioned by the NSPCC, suggests the demands come from peers rather than from adults or strangers.


Jon Brown, head of the sexual abuse programme at the NSPCC, said the revelations were disturbing.

“What’s most striking about this research is that many young people seem to accept all this as part of life. But it can be another layer of sexual abuse and, although most children will not be aware, it is illegal.”


The in-depth interviews with 35 teenagers at two London schools found that girls as young as 11 were being asked to send “special photos” to boys who they knew.

In some cases, the girls had to write a name in black marker pen on a part of their body to show it was the “property” of a certain boy.

The teenagers also faced a “barrage” of messages from boys demanding for intercourse or oral sex.

“Even while we were interviewing them they were being bombarded with these messages,” said lead researcher Jessica Ringrose, from the Institute of Education.

The BBC article contains a link to the report. I don’t have time to read through it right now, but just scanning through the pages, several things have leapt out. First is the “top messages from the evidence” (pages 7 and 8), which are, in summary:

1. Threat from peers.
2. Sexting is often coercive.
3. Girls most adversely affected.
4. Technology amplifies the problem.
5. Sexting reveals wider sexual pressures.
6. Ever younger children affected.
7. Sexting practices are culturally specific.
8. More support and resources vital.

(From page 28:)

One of the key findings of this research highlights the extent to which gendered power relations saturate the young people’s lives. No understanding of sexting would be complete without an appreciation of the extent to which an often completely normalised sexism constitutes the context for all relationships – both on and off-line. As researchers going into the schools to meet with young people, we were distressed by the levels of sexist abuse and physical harassment – even violence – to which the girls were subject on a regular basis. More than this, we were struck by the way in which it is entirely taken for granted by both girls and boys – even when the same behaviours would be grounds for dismissal in other settings and among adults (e.g. in the workplace) or for arrest and prosecution if they happened in public space.

Perhaps the broadest level at which sexism operates in the young people’s lives is to be found in the deeply rooted notion that girls and young women’s bodies are somehow the property of boys and young men. As we shall show later, this took on vivid forms in one of the most common practices of sexting in which boys solicited, and girls sent, photographic images of themselves or parts of themselves in which a boy’s name had been written in black marker pen. Significant numbers of these images were circulating in the period of this research, with some boys claiming to have up to 30 pictures of different girls on their phones. A typical example would be for a young woman to send a shot of her naked breasts, squeezed together, with the caption ‘Jason owns me’ scrawled prominently across part of her cleavage.

The report also covers porn use (by boys) and how that shapes the harassment inflicted on girls:

(From page 31:)

Boys say stuff like, ‘Can I butt in your face?’ and you just like, ‘Can you do what?’ ‘What do you mean’ and they are like, ‘yeah, can I butt in your eye?’ ‘No, why would I even’ Who is going to sit there in their right mind and say yeah, go ahead, ejaculate in my eye? What could that help? Like that is not even normal like seriously, but I have literally sat down with a boy and said, ‘I need to literally understand what you guys get out of porn?’ I have actually sat down with a boy and said ‘Put it on, let’s watch it yeah’ (Monique, 15, School One)

(From page 40:)

Another 15 year old girl said she thought that porn was shaping boys’ imaginations and sexual demands, and also that boys had no interest in girls’ pleasure. She went on to explain how she thought this worked: how a form of emotional blackmail was used to get girls to do things for their boyfriends.

Post-modern ‘sex positive’ ‘feminism’ wants to dismiss concerns over the sexualisation of girls and young women as ‘prudishness’ and ‘anti-sex’; post-modern ‘feminism’ doesn’t want us to recognise the systematic, structural harassment of women and girls by men and boys, and the part pornography and the ever-expanding sex industry plays in reinforcing this male supremacism (apparently, it’s seeing that this happens that causes the harm, because our seeing shatters the illusion of ’empowerment’ that is so important to sex pozzer funfems).

4 responses

  1. This article hits the nail on the head. It is the acceptence of porn in our culture that breeds this disgusting disrepect in men and boys. Also has intricate relationship to overwhelming rise in rapes across the world. Rarely do men speak of pleasuring women during sex or what women actually want, instead its whats inflicted on them by some graphic means. This will only change when enough women and a some intelligent men refuse to accept hostile or degrading video, print images or words of ANY women or girl.
    -Joseph Rumble

  2. What I see as the key issue is the fact it is males subjecting females to degrading sexualised treatment and yet male accountability has to remain hidden and out of sight because the focus has to always be on the female victims never the male perpetrators.

    This opening sentence neatly hides/invisibilises the male agent(s) ‘Teenage girls are coming under increasing pressure to text and email sexually explicit pictures of themselves, a report suggests.’ But who precisely are the ones subjecting teenage girls to intense pressure? The perpetrators are not named but we know it is not other teen girls subjecting teen girls to demands for sexually explicit pictures. It is males stupid!

    Sentence should read ‘Teen boys are increasingly demanding/coercing teen girls into supplying them with sexually explicit images of themselves.’ Likewise it is not teen girls demanding other teen girls write on their bodies ‘this belongs to x female’ no it is teen boys who are demanding that teen girls accept lie they bodies belong to males.

    Nothing happens in a vacuum and it is not that unknowable ‘thing’ which is causing so many boys and adult men to view women and girls as males’ disposable sexual service stations. Men created porn and our pornified society is now so widespread it is not surprising innumerable teen girls accept (but not necessarily believe the lie) males’ lies that female bodies are male sexual property.

    But male domination and male control over women and girls doesn’t exist does it? No everyone is an individual and females never, ever experience male supremacist constraints do they? Given any criticism of how male supremacist system operates is not allowed by malestream media we shouldn’t be surprised at fact innumerable teen boys are avidly adhering to male supremacist lies that females are non-human and only exist to provide boys with sexual servicing.

    The issue is rampant male sexual harassment of teen and now pre-teen girls. I note boys are not the ones being subjected to sexual harassment by girls. Male sexual harassment of females is illegal only within the worksphere. Within public spaces male sexual harassment of females is not a crime because it is supposedly ‘just males engaged in banter!’

    This is the reality for many, many girls living in our misogynistic and women-hating society – the resignation that default humans are males and females have no rights because we only exist to be males’ sexual property/sexual service stations.

  3. […] So then, is he completely unaware of the increase in women having cosmetic surgery on their genitals so they look more like airbrushed porn, and the ubiquity of men and boys demanding that women and girls allow them to perform acts from pornogra…? […]

  4. […] Guardian article, and the Backlash blog, both completely ignore the atmosphere of coercion that exists around sexting – or “erotic selfies” in the language of the pornography defenders – and […]

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