Vanilla Pride!

From The Fempire Strikes Back

Light yellow and flecked off-white for passionate and bold French Vanilla and refined and understated Vanilla Bean. Because foodies and chefs know that vanilla comes in flavors and is not a “non flavor”.

Vanilla is not “bland”; it is its own flavor. Discerning palates can tell the difference between different types. The yellow stripe is the creamy, bold French Vanilla, which often contains egg yolks. The speckled off-white stripe is vanilla bean, a refined taste for refined palates.

2 responses

  1. […] other type of medical professional), is getting turned on by descriptions of violence that leave us boring old vanillas […]

  2. I don’t think of myself as vanilla since it’s just a name kinksters made up so they could name-call everyone else. I always hear that I shouldn’t care what goes on in their bedroom, but they literally will not shut up about it and I have yet to met someone into BDSM who did not play non-consensual mindgames with everyone else.

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