ConTROLL Freak, bizarre shit

I’ve got a few click-throughs from a Yahoo Answers page regarding the ‘social problems of pornography’, and some wierdo shit-for-brains left this comment:

ConTROLL Freak

the website tells you strait up “ANTI MALE with NO INTEREST of fairness or honesty” in the title. I will not believe ANYTHING from there. they are LESS HONEST than religious people (and that is saying something).

let me guess…
“feminist porn” DOES NOT “harm women”.
“feminist porn” DOES NOT “stunt sexuality but instead “expands it”.
“feminist porn” portrays sexual violence against men as normal, natural and an inevitable part of female sexuality.
“feminist porn” DOES NOT reinforces male supremacy, and the idea that men are entitled to sexual access to women’s bodies.
“feminist porn” portrays sex and MEN as disgusting.
“feminist porn” promotes misandry.

do you suppose the fact that this site is SELLING in opposition to others might have ANY EFFECT on their beliefs?

The sheer idiocy of your average MRA is mind-boggling. First of all, how does the name ‘Anti-Porn Feminists’ equal ‘anti-male’, unless you are going to beg the question by claiming that being anti-porn is the same as being anti-male?

And then that bizarro-bullshit about ‘feminist porn’, which demonstrates that 1) he hasn’t read any of this blog beyond that one page (and if he’d bothered to read through the comments he would have seen me being critical of the concept of ‘feminist porn’), and 2) he has no idea what ‘feminist porn’ actually means anyway, if he thinks it’s some kind of ‘female supremacist’ tool.

Also, read this one again:

“feminist porn” DOES NOT reinforces male supremacy, and the idea that men are entitled to sexual access to women’s bodies.

Whoops, MRA just made it plain what ‘misandry’ actually is, refusing male supremacy!

Also, I can’t even work out what this sentence is supposed to be accusing me of: “do you suppose the fact that this site is SELLING in opposition to others might have ANY EFFECT on their beliefs?”

I’m not ‘selling’ (as in asking money for) anything, so if that’s not his claim, and he’s using ‘selling’ in the sense of ‘selling an idea’, then he’s just said that my having an idea to ‘sell’ is affecting the ideas I have, so he’s accusing me of having the ideas I have!?!

There are three days left to answer the original question, anyone with a Yahoo account willing to go there and point out what a moron that MRA is (feel free to copy and paste in full)?

4 responses

  1. Have the MRAs found that beautiful unicorn of “feminist porn”? Or are they just bullshitting as usual? LOL

  2. Uppals and Ban-nae-naes

    Ugh, they can never seem to think of anything besides parroting your own arguments back to you, but switching in misogyny for “misandry” and claiming that those big mean feminists are the ones oppressing men. Yawn, get some new rebuttals MRA’s, it’s ancient at this stage.

  3. Stupidity + arrogance (+ patriarchy) = I know nothing about this subject, and I can’t be bothered to do even the most superficial research, but because I’m a man, the first thing I pull out of my arse must be true

  4. Uppals and Ban-nae-naes

    That pretty much sums it up exactly.

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